Forum Discussion

KarenEck-b17534's avatar
Community Member
12 days ago

Rise files have disappeared after moving to new folder (and then deleting old folder)

My Rise files have disappeared. Here is the context: We had to transfer ownership of Rise course files from a colleague (let's call him X) to me because X is retiring.  When I realized that X sti...
  • KarenEck-b17534's avatar
    2 days ago

    Thanks Luciana. In the end, I think the files that had been in the folder that X deleted were actually in my Deleted folder... (insert eyeroll at myself here). It's just that I was not familiar with the content and did not have a list of all the course names involved so did not realize it until later. 

    However, it was strange that I was seeing the main folder that belonged to X as empty on my system, while he was seeing things differently on his system. Perhaps it was a caching issue.

    We have learned a valuable lesson: to move very slowly when transferring files and/or folders to each other. And to ensure that all parties are seeing the same thing on their systems before deleting folders.