Forum Discussion

OrvinCastanha's avatar
Community Member
4 days ago

Storyline 360: Special Characters not showing in SCORM Interaction responses

We are experiencing the same issue. The interaction description comes through correctly, but the learner_response and correct_response values have all the accented or special characters replaced with underscores. Any thoughts on how to resolve this?

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  • Hi OrvinCastanha!

    Happy to share some insight on this!

    The behavior you described is expected when working with special characters and publishing for LMS. You may find that non-English characters in question-and-answer text are replaced by underscores in LMS debug logs or reports.

    Storyline and Studio replace non-English characters with underscores when communicating with an LMS to conform to AICC and SCORM standards. These standards only support letters, numbers, and a few special characters, such as !, $, %, and *. SCORM 2004 supports more characters. However, many LMSs don't recognize them, so Storyline and Studio send underscores to prevent reporting errors.

    If you were publishing your content using SCORM 1.2, have you tried SCORM 2004 to see if that helps?