Forum Discussion

WilliamIllingwo's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Triggers & Variables Not Working with Users on Macs

Hello, team, I need technical support on a package.


I built 4 eLearning modules for a compliance course. I built one as my template, and then copied the packages for the remaining three. I will admit to not recalling, at this point, which was the first module, but I believe it is the module I am having the problem with. The other three modules are working fine.

The Problem

In the module I am having trouble with, I have it built so that the user enters one Scene, receives one slide of introduction, and goes right to an Agenda slide (seen below) where they choose other Scenes in the module. I have received over 10 tickets, now, that users on Macs are getting through the introductory scene and the first scene of learning content, but they get stuck in a loop after the second scene. This is not happening when testing offline or online with PCs.

Here's a rundown of what is happening:

  1. The user starts from this page and begins the learning by going through the Scene "01 Requirements & Objectives."
  2. At the end of that Scene, they click "Continue."
  3. When they click "Continue", it adds +1 to the variable "CompletionTracking", which defaults at zero, and returns them to this page.
  4. When the user returns to this page with "1" in "CompletionTracking",
    1. the state of the lock icon to the right of "01 Requirements & Objectives" changes states from Locked to Complete
    2. which chains to trigger "02 Requirements in Action" to change states from Disabled to Normal.
  5. When the user goes through and completes "02 Requirements in Action", we repeat the cycle above.
    1. Click "Continue"
    2. Adds +1 to "CompletionTracking" variable (now equaling "2")
    3. Returns user to Agenda page
  6. When they return with variable equaling "2", instead of following the correct logic and triggers as mapped (which would repeat step #4 above but for objects and States on "02 Requirements in Action" and "03 Why Should You Care?"),
    1. it will show the Complete state for the lock icon on "01 Requirements & Objectives" and "03 Why Should You Care?"
    2. but "02 Requirements in Action" will remain in the Locked state for the lock icon.
  7. The state of the "03 Why Should You Care?" button will remain Disabled and the user cannot continue.
    1. If they attempt "02 Requirements in Action" again, it will continue impacting the states of the lock icons sequentially (meaning the rest of the Lock icons will change to the Complete state).
    2. The states of the remaining buttons will not change from Disabled to Normal.

The user is stuck. Only solution is completely resetting the module in the LMS.

This glitch does not occur in testing online or offline. The triggers are not built to do this.

Project File Info

  • xAPI export
  • Created in Storyline X64 beta
  • Using one variable, CompletionTracking, to track completion as the users get to end of a scene. Clicking Continue or completing the final interaction will +1 to the variable if the variable is at the correct value for progression.

Attempted Troubleshooting

  • I have no reported issues with any users on a PC.
  • I've had read through and redone my triggers from scratch to control the sequencing, but it is still affecting Mac users.
  • I put my "CompletionTracking" variable on my master slide and watched it as I went through the module, trying to find if a button had a trigger I forgot about or if there was any error: I could not find any issue with the trigger harness through this testing. The number always adds up correctly.
  • Mac users have used Safari, Chrome, and Firefox with the same results.
  • All of my other templates, using the same trigger harness, are working correctly for Mac users.
  • I created a brand new file and imported the slides. Exported a new version, same results.
  • Seemingly unrelated but could be an issue: I have a phantom master slide that I cannot find or delete.

I cannot post the file here because it contains company information. I do have a video of the problem happening live but I cannot publicly share that either. I could provide these to an Articulate employee for troubleshooting if that's an option.


I have also submitted a ticket.

  • That is odd, and not an issue I've seen before. Have you tested it with ScormCloud to see if it is an LMS issue?

    • WilliamIllingwo's avatar
      Community Member

      Ah, that is a great troubleshooting step I hadn't considered! At this point, with a ticket in Articulate's hands, I'm going to hold off on continued troubleshooting, but I'm adding that to my arsenal. Thank you!

  • BobStryker's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi William,

    You've documented the issue extremely well here. Makes it all the more perplexing.

    But hey, I was building a brand-new quiz template from scratch recently and was stunned to find a text block from one of my colleague's courses from 2 years ago overlaying one of the correct/incorrect feedback masters! The quiz doesn't publish with the overlay, but it tells me this subscription software is constantly in Beta.

    My thoughts:

    • Maybe you have one, but if not, you have a strong business case for a Mac test computer.
    • I have done similar incrementing variables in the past and it's a nice, efficient solution. But I have seen aberrant results similar to this one problematic course you have. So much depends on object and trigger sequencing and maybe some of my users were double-clicking the control or the trigger was not firing at precisely the right time or not at all. 
      In any case, I prefer using a True/False condition for multiple locked lessons like your design. It means more variables to maintain, but it is easier to troubleshoot.

    Good luck on finding a solution. I feel your pain.


    • WilliamIllingwo's avatar
      Community Member

      I had that thought, but (incoming irony/sarcasm) instead spent 18 business hours trying to solve for the existing problem. Probably would have only taken me 1 business hour to make the trigger/variable switch. 😅
      I'm going to do that - the real fun will be if the problem persists haha

  • Here's a small update, folks!

    In following Bob's feedback to switch from a numerical trigger to a series of True/False triggers, I found a ghost variable:

    When I go to this slide and its layers, the "CompletionTracking" variable is NOT being modified. However, the screenshot above says it's aligned.

    If I delete the slide, the variable goes away from the "CompletionTracking" count. So it's hidden somewhere on/in this slide aligned to a button that should not be aligned to that variable.

    I rebuilt the slide and the variable ghost is gone!

    That fixed the problem!