Forum Discussion

JanetGuastav914's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Triggers Aren't Working

I have red, green, and yellow dots in their own layers that are supposed to display if a user types either "red", "green", or "yellow." Each time I run the slides only one of the colored dots displays for four categories in which the dots should be displaying. I have organized the triggers, so they are in sequence with each category, but that didn't work (only displayed one red dot, as you can see in the "Table of Colors_Only red_sorted triggers.png" file.
What am I doing wrong?


  • I won’t know for sure until I get to a time when I can look at the file. The way I read your triggers, you need all of the different layers to show at once, and they aren’t, so here are a couple of things to try.  Layers default to hiding other layers when they show, so check the properties of all the layers to make sure that option is not selected.

    Layers also at times default to having a solid background, which will cover other layers, even if they are not hidden.

  • I set each layer to not hide the others, and it works now! Hooray and thank you so much!

    • JanetGuastav914's avatar
      Community Member

      I fully intend to do so! Thanks, again!

      [Janet A. M. Guastavino (pronouns are she and her) CalHR Workforce Development Division, Instructional Designer. Email address is]
      Pronouns in the Workplace
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