Forum Discussion

Erik-Ernst-Marc's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Trigger stops working after publishing + States not working on mobile


I have created a slide that has links to other slides.  When I open the project and preview it, the 'Jump to slide' triggers works fine and it takes me to the correct slide. When I then publish the content the 'Jump to slide' triggers stops working in my project as well as on the published content. 

When I save the file under a new name I am then able to get the triggers working in a preview but the same thing as described above then happens.

I have tried deleting the triggers and creating new ones as well as rearranging the order but the problem is still there. The triggers have worked fine for weeks but for some reason this problem popped up today.

Secondly, I have a problem with states not functioning the way I want them on mobile platforms. There are triggers to high light a state when the user hovers or clicks on a button and triggers that change the state to normal after the triggered media ends. This works well on a computer but for some reason not on a mobile platform. On mobile the state changes for a second when I click a button but goes back to normal immediately.

  • Hello everyone!

    I have great news to share! We are no longer seeing this bug where state changes do not work correctly on mobile when using our latest version of Storyline 360 (Build 3.72.29699.0).

    Please let us know if you’re still noticing the issue and we’ll be happy to continue troubleshooting with you in a support case.

  • balotAlegado's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Ashley,

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, my Storyline has the latest update 12: 1705.520.

    Your version on Scorm Cloud has the same issue. The slide that has the motion paths is slide 1.3 Panels. The content (group) slides across the motion paths just fine when I initially click on the panels, and I am taken to the scenes where the buttons within the panels are supposed to take me. However when I click the continue button from different scenes and go back to the 1.3 slide, the motion paths then go crazy. 

    I was able to present my work for approval yesterday only because I used preview from file (not published) which worked just fine.

    I hope I'm making sense. Apologies if I had posted on the wrong discussion but this thread is what comes up whenever I type in some keywords of my issue. 

    I've attached a screen recording to show you how the panels/motion paths misbehave to give you an idea. Note that when I exit from the Correct feedback, I'm supposed to be taken back to the 1.3 Panels slide and the "What is risk" panel should still be open.

  • balotAlegado's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Ashley,

    Thank you for responding to my issue. I was viewing the course from Scorm Cloud on Chrome with Flash enabled. I was on my deadline already so I just sent the file to our LMS team and prayed to high heavens it'd work. And it did! I don't know what happened there because I didn't do anything after I posted here. I'll just chalk it up to browser issue, I guess?

    Thanks, Ashley.  

  • Thanks for the update Mary and I suspect you're right that it's a browser specific issue - so hopefully you were the only one to run into it. Let us know if you have any other problems and we'll be happy to help! 

  • NoushadAhmed's avatar
    Community Member

    Hey can anybody help me.My course works perfectly in the articulate storyline2 player but when i publish it it is not working properly in the browser i dont what happening. Anyone can help me please

  • Hi Noushad and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

    Would you be able to share your .story file so that we can take a look at what may be going on?

  • I am experiencing the same issue now too. When I'm in storyline 360 project works perfectly, but when I publish triggers are not working but working on a refresh of a browser. 

    I refresh and then the slides that didn't work ok are they work properly, but some other that worked ok are not working ok after refresh.

    I tried clearing my cache, restarting storyline and computer, uploading to an s3 server, but the same behaviour continues. The course is full of triggers and has loads of audio in layers.

    Can somebody help me please, my client is not happy as I lost more than 2 days just for this issue?

    • VinceScoma's avatar
      Community Member

      Hey Glynis,

      Thank you for reaching out and I am so sorry you are running into some snags here. 

      I appreciate you sharing the review link as well! I went through module 3 and it appeared that the triggers were working for me. Would you be able to share your .story file to this thread? Also, what triggers are giving you troubles? 

      Please let me know if you have any additional questions! 

  • Hello everyone!

    I have great news to share! We are no longer seeing this bug where state changes do not work correctly on mobile when using our latest version of Storyline 360 (Build 3.72.29699.0).

    Please let us know if you’re still noticing the issue and we’ll be happy to continue troubleshooting with you in a support case.