Forum Discussion

LindaOosterveld's avatar
Community Member
15 days ago

Next button not always appearing after buttons visited.

I have changed the the state of the next button to normal when the buttons have been visited. After I publish this whole module, some staff are able to view the next button, but some staff are not seeing the next button appear, so they're stuck. What am I missing? Am I making the triggers too complicated somehow? (please see attachment)

  • Your trigger to change the Next button to Normal is fine. So I think you need to get more details from the staff who say they get stuck. 


    • They might be confused by the number of layers they have to step through for Environmental Controls. In other words, are they saying they're stuck because they haven't waited long enough for the additional buttons to appear? 
    • Are they getting stuck by leaving the tabs slide and then returning to it? That could happen because the current trigger that disables Next runs every time the timeline starts. To ensure that doesn't happen, you need to add conditions to the trigger. For example: 


    • LindaOosterveld's avatar
      Community Member

      The few staff who were stuck said they went through all the buttons and layers so by the time they got back to the original slide (after visiting all buttons), the next did not appear. I'll try this update that you suggested, though, and give that a shot. thank you so much.

      • JudyNollet's avatar
        Super Hero

        Here's one other thing I noticed. On one of the layers, the "Close" button's trigger was to jump to that slide (instead of using "Hide Layer"). It's possible that's causing problems, maybe by the program sometimes deciding to reset the buttons. It would take a lot of testing, going through the tabs in different order, to see if that ever happened. And it still might not show up when you do it.

        In any case, it couldn't hurt to only use "Hide Layer" triggers to return to the base.

  • Personally, I think this type of tabs interaction is fine when each button shows just 1 layer.

    But when some layers lead to extra layers, it gets messy. In that case, I think it's better to put each item on its own slide. Then you could use tabs on the slides that have extra content.