Forum Discussion
Text entry blank in Rise
Hi all, is there any chance we can get a rough timing on features that are on the road map, prioritized and not prioritized. I understand this feature (survey style input box) is on the roadmap, but not prioritized.
But, what does this mean to us in terms of seeing it rolled out? Is this late 2020, early/mid/late 2021 or beyond 2021.
The roadmap doesn't really mean anything to us without knowing when features will arrive. I understand that dates shift and release of new features can be delayed, but it would be great to have some sense of which features are scheduled for release when.
The reason I ask this is, across Storyline and Rise forums, I've seen threads where features are being asked for for several years and the same responses has to be rolled out by support each time (no fault of support, I know), but its frustrating seeing threads spanning years and not being any clearer on a release schedule.
This is just more of a general comment around the roadmap and and feature releases rather than this specific feature.