Forum Discussion

SarahSmith-62fb's avatar
Community Member
7 days ago

Can't Proceed with Numeric Text Entry

Hi all! We are having an issue with a customer not being able to proceed in a software simulation after entering numeric text into a text field. Here's the scenario: 

  1. specific step of the workflow is to enter a users birthday (customer can enter the birthday)
  2. after entering the number 3, the slide should automatically advance to the next (this does not happen for this customer)
  3. each lesson in the module is locked so the learners have to complete each one before the next. we have marked this course complete for this specific customer which should allow them to move about the course freely. it does not for them.

The trigger has both the num pad 3 and the above the keyboard 3 as options to auto advance. 

The customer is using Chrome.

There are thousands of customers who have completed this simulation without issue. However, we are stumped on why this particular user cannot proceed.Not only can they not proceed within this module once entering 3, after marking the course complete in the LMS, which unlocks all of the lessons, does not allow the customer to proceed. 

Any ideas on what could be happening? There are multiple modules that require the learner to enter dates and this customer cannot proceed on any of them. 

We would appreciate any thoughts, suggestions, feedback, whatever you got! 

  • Hi SarahSmith-62fb is it possible that the particular user has software in their browser (extension) that also assigns a keyboard shortcut to #3?

    You could also check to see if there are any errors occurring in the browser console (F12). If they open up the browser console, and then hit the #3, are there any new messages appearing in the console window, especially anything in red?

    The fact that thousands have completed the course and do not have an issue, would suggest it is user device specific.

    Do they have another browser they could try the course in? Does the other browser experience the same issue?

    I'm not sure of Storyline's specific implementation when it comes to tracking keyboard events, but I'm wondering if a Numpad 3 could be a different event to a Number 3 on the top row of the keyboard. Can the user try both of these number 3 to see if there is a different result?

    1. Try a different browser if available.
    2. Try a different number 3 (numpad, keyboard top row).
    3. Check for errors in the console.
    4. Browser extension taking over the keyboard event?