Forum Discussion

Borg_Cube's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Spacebar - change default function?


we use a course-design that does not include the user interacting with any timeline. But we do have a lot of videos in the slides, and you can't use the Spacebar to Play/Pause the video unless you have clicked the Play/Pause-button on the video once first.

This is rather annoying, and I guess that this has something to do with the default behaviour for the Spacebar (Play/Pause the timeline) ?

Can we change the default behaviour for the Spacebar?

  • Hi Tommy,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I understand you would like the option to be able to play or pause a video using the spacebar, without having to select the play button first. I'm happy to help provide some insight on this.

    Are these videos embedded from another website or videos recorded within Storyline? If a video is embedded from another site, the player controls are likely already set, and you're unable to have the video play automatically preventing you from using the spacebar from pausing the course.

    Here is a similar discussion where my teammate, Maria, provides a possible workaround. Let me know if this helps and if you have additional questions!