Forum Discussion

KellySheehan-da's avatar
Community Member
9 days ago

Using Spacebar in a trigger

Hi there,


So I am setting up a CAI course and want to use the keyboard to navigate. I am trying to replicate PowerPoints keyboard shortcuts and one of them is using the spacebar to go to the next slide.

Now I have setup a trigger to go to next slide when the users presses and I then press the spacebar but it doesn't register it in the trigger?

Can I not use the spacebar like this?


  • Hi KellySheehan-da!

    Sorry you're having trouble setting up certain Triggers in Storyline!

    The Spacebar can be used within Triggers, allowing the learner to navigate through slides. Here's how that Trigger should look:

    I just tested this on my end, in the current version of Storyline 360 and it worked as expected! If you're still having issues, do you mind sharing your .story file so we can see what might be getting in the way? Feel free to upload a copy here in the discussion or privately through a support case.