Forum Discussion

JHauglie's avatar
Community Member
16 days ago

Overcrowded Resources List

Good day y'all - I am wrapping up a project that has several PDF resources available to the learners. Nearly all of these files are regulatory in nature and were provided by the SME, who got them directly from the government. So there is a limited chance I can change the titles that are showing.

The issue is this:

The Resource documents list is not expanding or scrollable, so the fourth item title in the list is crowded out by the third and the fifth document titles.

I do not recall seeing this problem before the most recent SL updates. (But I have been wrong before.) [Just once. (-;]

Any suggestions on cleaning this up, or is it just a "live with it" situation?

Thanks in advance -

  • You can edit the list which wont effect the name when you download, looks like a possible bug. But the simple fix is to edit the name in the list.

    • JHauglie's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks Judy! So much to learn, so little time... I will have to play with this approach, since I'm getting more and more resources that "must be available!"

      • JudyNollet's avatar
        Super Hero

        Fortunately, it's an easy method. And worthwhile to learn. Custom player tabs can be used to access any content from throughout the course. 

        Best wishes for success with your projects!

  • Another option that may help is to move the Resources from the Topbar to the Sidebar. 


  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks Jennifer! That is definitely another good way to go!

  • You can edit the list which wont effect the name when you download, looks like a possible bug. But the simple fix is to edit the name in the list.