Forum Discussion

RoshniDevi-d6b3's avatar
Community Member
22 hours ago

Missing Project/ Source Files

Hello everyone, 

I am seeking your expertise and guidance on an urgent matter. We hired an instructional designer to develop a few projects/ e-learning modules using Articulate Storyline 360.

However, he has not saved any of the project on Articulate or the shared drives before he left the organisation. I need the Project/ Source Files to make to changes which I can’t find anywhere at all. Everything is in the Review 360 but in Review Mode, though.

Is there a way I can get my hands on all the projects he developed as we don’t want to lose all the work, he was paid to do.

Looking forward to your expertise

Thank you!


  • As MathNotermans-9 said, there is only one way to get those files, and that is by asking the developer.

    If Storyline, it will be a file with an extension of ".story", and would need to be delivered to you as an attachment or providing a link from a file sharing software.

    Rise, it will be a cloud hosted authoring file, which must be shared to your own Articulate 360 account.

  • Thanks for your suggestions:  MathNotermans-9 and SamHill 

    Yes, the developer was contacted but he said all his work was saved on his work lap-top which he has returned to the Agency (as his contract ended). So, he couldn't provide any Articulate SL360 Project Source Files as he claims he doesn't have them.  

