Forum Discussion

  • Hey Roland. Unfortunately, your link isn't working for me. Can you share a screenshot or a  Peek video of what you're seeing? Thanks!

  • Hi Trina

    I have published the project to articulate review. Here's the link to it:

    If you check it you'll see, that in "Settings" - "Lables" I set the language to "German". This works now for example for the "START COURSE" button, which appears correctly as "KURS STARTEN".

    Yet, when I add an interaction "DIVIDER", it creates me a divider that says in English"CONTINUE"  instead of the German "WEITER". I don't understand that because in the translations it's correctly translated as shown on the screenshot.

    Did I get my point across? Thx for your help and best regards

  • Again me, dear Trina

    I hadn't taken into account that you cannot see what I mean if the project is published.

    I'll, therefore, add a short video that shows you:

    - how I open a new project
    - as standard is English, the first divider I add says "CONTINUE", in English
    - I then go to the "Settings" and under "Labels" I change the label language to German
    - The list shows, that "CONTINUE" is correctly "WEITER" in German
    - I then add another lesson and try to add another divider. Since I have just changed the labels language to German, I would now expect that it says "WEITER" on the divider button/bar.
    - However, the Continue bar is still labeled CONTINUE, instead of WEITER

    Thx for looking into this and best regards


    • TrinaRimmer's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi again, Roland. Thanks for taking such pains to clarify your request. The video was very helpful!

      It sounds like you're expecting to see the German translation for "continue," which you selected under the course settings > labels, applied to the continue button block. Is that correct? If so, the "continue" label under course settings only impacts quizzes and knowledge checks. You'll note that it's listed under the quiz & knowledge check section for text labels.

      The continue button block label can still be changed manually. Just click the edit button for that block and type or paste in the correct label.

      You can even save this translated continue button block as a block template for quick reuse throughout your project. 

      I hope I've helped, but if I've misunderstood, please reply here and I'll happily make another attempt!

  • Hi Trina

    Late thanks for your explanation. The way you show me is how I currently change CONTINUE to WEITER.

    It's not such a big deal but when there are many dividers in a project, it really gets a bit annoying to each time have to change that manually. Even more since it figure it would be quite an easy thing to have the deviders use the language choses in the settings.

    But I'll deal and I know, that I could place a feature request for that. Thank you for your support and have a good week



    • TrinaRimmer's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hello again, Roland! One thing that could make customizing the continue block a little easier is to use the block template feature. So you'd customize the continue block by hitting the edit button and then changing the label text to "weiter" and making any language changes to the hint text as well.

      Then, you'd access Templates from the blocks library and add a new one that is just this continue block. Here's a quick gif to show you how this is done.

       That way you can customize it once, save it as a template, and then just reinsert it from your blocks templates to repurpose it throughout your course. 

      I hope this solution saves you some time! 

  • Hi Trina

    That's just smashing and more or less exactly what I need!

    Good on me that I got back to you again, or else I would have missed that information :-)

    Have a great rest of the week and thanks for you helpful support

  • This was very helpful! Thank you. I'm having a similar problem, in that I can't seem to change the Submit buttons in knowledge checks to Māori.

    Is there something I'm missing? I updated the labels, creating a Māori label set. 

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Maire,

      Have you checked the labels in Preview Mode?