Forum Discussion

ArynDougherty-4's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Troubleshooting with Mouse Maze Hotspot Question

Hi everyone!

I need some help troubleshooting this interaction (file attached).

This is a mouse maze multiple choice question. The learner moves the mouse with their keyboard or control pad to hit a hotspot, and the MC question appears (due to variable and state changes). 

There have been several issues. The question gets "stuck" or doesn't appear onscreen when in the LMS; it's like the trigger doesn't fully complete. Additionally, if the learner leaves and resumes the course later, the slide locks itself after successful completion; the learner cannot trigger the hotspot/question or use the Next button to progress - they're stuck on this slide. 

Any insight or guidance would be greatly appreciated. This has been causing major headaches for my team. Thank you so much!!


  • Hi Aryn

    the first thing I get stuck on is because I don't know the answer and selected A, then it gave me a Try Again so I selected B.  Then I am stuck because the number of attempts is set to 2.  No way out.  That might be one thing you could look at and see if changing that helps.

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Aryn,

    You say "Additionally, if the learner leaves and resumes the course later, the slide locks itself after successful completion; the learner cannot trigger". It's because this slide is set to "Automatically decide" what to do when revisiting a slide. It's now up to the Storyline whether to reset initial state or resume saved state upon revisiting. In this scenario, the Storyline will always set to "Resume saved state". Now, it is your job provide the way out. I'd provide an additional instruction to let the learner know that this interaction is already complete and create a custom next button the learner can click on to navigate away. Or set a slide to "Reset initial state" upon revisiting allowing the learner to start an interaction from the beginning (in this case, the "Cancellation_trap" variable would need to be set to "False" when the timeline starts on this slide). I would also do what Wendy has suggested in her post. Increase the number of attempts or set it to unlimited attempts just to prevent getting locked when all attempts are exhausted. Or provide a button that will allow the learner to reset the slide/interaction after all attempts are exhausted if the number of attempts is set to 2. I could not reproduce "doesn't appear onscreen when in the LMS" part (tested in the ScormCloud). 

  • Wendy and Nedim, thank you both so much!! Setting additional attempts did help with the slide getting completely locked; the next buttons now show after completion every time.

    After the learner answers the question, I need the attempts locked in for grading purposes, so I can't completely reset the slide :( But playing around with your insight and tips did lead me to a solution (hopefully!). Instead of resetting the initial state of the base layer, I've changed the feedback layers to "resume saved state." This seems to have saved the variable/state change of the question/buttons, so the learner doesn't need to go through the maze or completely reset the slide. Additionally, the question is locked after answering (correct and incorrect), so the learner cannot change their answers, but the next button is present for navigation. 

    As for the state changes not appearing, I'm starting to fear that it's a LMS/SCORM compatibility issue. They require SCORM 1.2, and it may not be able to keep up with the interaction?

    Again, thank you both for your help!! I'll definitely keep those slide properties in mind (I honestly don't use them enough and need to practice!). 

    • WendyFarmer's avatar
      Super Hero

      Awesome Aryn - glad you are 90% there with a solution.  All the best with your project.