Forum Discussion

LactalisSA's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Scorm not uploading to LMS


I am running into something I have not seen before on our LMS.

when trying to load the resource designed on Articulate (saved and zipped as 1.2 scorm)  the resource shows as under construction.  I have tried as 2004, but still no luck.  All my admin rights on the LMS is correct.

could my scorm be corrupted?  how can I check?  What other problem solving can I try?

  • LoriHollar's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm having a similar problem. We use Totara 12 for an LMS through Learning Pool and they have been trying to support my issue. They had me rename the video file that's in the course and that initially seemed to help, but then got another error message. Something with the export of this isn't doing well in Totara/Moodle. It's so frustrating! 

    This is what they asked me to try: "Thanks for your patience on this issue. The development team have been looking into this.

    To test this, they changed the file name of the .mp4 file of the original SCORM file in both the videofile itself within story_content and also where it is referenced within the imsmanifest.xml file to its new name. It has been updated to video.mp4, and it has uploaded, but the last file name would not upload.

    In doing this they have been able to upload the file, but can’t preview it as it requires the SCORM file to be repackaged, it seems it didn’t like the filename or type of file. I’ll upload their modified SCORM zip and if you are able to repackage it, upload the file and confirm if this works.

    They did notice you have created this via Articulate Storyline, can you see if changing the video's file name and repackaging it works? If not, attempting the attached file should help.' 

  • Hello Lactalis!

    Thank you for reaching out! One way to check if the problem is with your LMS or the SCORM package is by testing the course in another LMS environment. We recommend testing your course in SCORM cloud to see if the course works as expected. If it doesn't, then the issue lies within your LMS. If the course doesn't work as expected, then it is something with the SCORM package. 

    If that is the case, can you share your .story file with us? You can share it in this discussion or privately in a support case.