Forum Discussion

NicholeSande365's avatar
Community Member
3 hours ago



I have a SCORM file for a course that is 250,000KB.

More details:
1. The text is Chinese.
2. I have this EXACT same course in English, Spanish, French, and Japanese versions, all of which generated a SCORM files about 15-16,000 KB.
3. I tried saving the file under a new file name to get rid of cached info. 
4. I tried importing all slides to a new Storyline, which reduced the SCORM from 259,473 KB to 257,400.  Not helpful.
5.  There are no videos.
6.  There are very few images, and they are the same images present in the other language files for which no compression was necessary.
7.  There are small SFX for button clicks, again which are present in the other languages for which no compression was necessary.
8.  There are no unused assets laying around.
9.  The ONLY difference with this massive file is that the text and player controls are in Chinese.

I have no idea where to go from here.  There is no discernable reason it should be this large, and my trainees are complaining about load times and lots of lag.  Please help!

  • Also,
    10.  I found that it's the html5>data>css>output.min file that is 245,428 KB.  In the other languages, it is at about 5,000 KB.  It says it has bout 300,000,000 characters compared to the same file in the English version that says 5,000,000+.  What!?
    11.  I had no issues editing with the storyline file. 

    Where is this data coming from?  Have there been issues in the past when trying to use Chinese fonts?