Forum Discussion

ChrisMay-847744's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

SCORM 2004 Rise Courses in SuccessFactors LMS

Has anyone been successful in adding a Rise course published as a SCORM 2004 4th ed to the SuccessFactors LMS?

When we try the lesson never marks complete. If a user exits the lesson before finishing, the lesson will remeber their location, however; when a user finishes the course and exits, the completion is NOT saved and their progress is lost...

I have attached a screenshot of my publish settings.


  • Hi Chris, 

    Thanks so much for reaching out! 

    I see that you've opened a support case and you're working with my colleague Johnrey. You're in great hands! 

    We'll continue the conversation over in your case. 

    Have a great start to your week!