Forum Discussion

BettyErbert's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Question Bank with associated slide(content)


in our courses there are always questions and each question is formulated in such a way that the answer is linked to a slide.

However, the questions were created using the question bank as it has some features such as randomization and setting the number of questions to be answered.

With the Repeat function: the user has the option to give the correct answer 3 times, if the answer is wrong he has to reread the slide that is the answer and go back to the question.

My problem is that I can't go back to the question. Does anyone have any idea how I can do this?

  • It doesn't matter that you're using a question bank. You can still edit the layer's trigger so it will lightbox the related slide instead of jumping to it. 

    A lightbox has a built-in close button, which appears as an X in the upper right corner. However, you may want to add a custom close button that is more visible. 

    This button would have to be on each slide that is lightboxed. To ensure the user doesn't see it the button when they first view the slide, do this: 

    • Set the button's Initial State to Hidden.

    • Add a trigger that changes the state based on whether the slide is viewed in a lightbox. This requires using a condition that checks the Window.

    The final triggers will look like this: 

  • That's how the program is set up to work when a question allows more than one attempt.

    • When the user answers incorrectly, the Try Again layer shows.
    • When the Try Again layer is closed, the question still shows the person's previous answer(s), but it allows them to change their answer. 
      • If you don't want to show the previous answer(s), add triggers to change the state of the answer buttons back to Normal. That would look something like this: 

    • If the person exceeds the allowed attempts, the program will show the Incorrect layer if they answer incorrectly again. 

    By the way, your quiz is set up with Multiple Response questions. As per UI standards, those questions use checkboxes. Checkboxes indicate that more than one answer can be selected. And users can select more than one answer to the questions in your quiz.

    As per UI standards, a Multiple Choice question uses radio buttons (that is, circles that are filled when selected). Storyline automatically puts multiple-choice responses into a button set, so that only one answer can be selected. 

  • BettyErbert's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Judy, I need your help again

    The course will be available on a server that all users have access to when they log in.

    Now it's about the certificate, how can I make the first and last name fields and the date be automatic, i.e. recognizing the user who is taking the course. for each user to have the possibility to print the Zertificate, if they want.

    Thanks again :)