Forum Discussion

Jordan-Peel's avatar
Community Member
15 days ago

Black Lines Around Storyline Block In Rise

Hi all,

I've seen old posts about this with no clear solution.

When including a storyline block in rise, I want it to embed seamlessly into the background colour which it initially does.

When i then interact with the activity and press submit, black lines appear above and below the content. I've checked the size (16:9) and I've also checked in the feedback master and can't find any reason for this to be happening.

Any advice?

One image below without the black lines (before pressing submit), one with


  • Hi Jordan! 

    Can you let me know how you are viewing this part of your module? 

    1. Edit mode
    2. Preview mode
    3. Published
    • Jordan-Peel's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Michelle,

      Currently it's happened in both Edit & Preview mode - haven't attempted to publish it just yet but will be trying that later today.


      Edit - Now tried it after publishing and I'm still seeing the same issue

      • MichellePick362's avatar
        Community Member

        Have you tried to copy your content into a 'clean' storyline file? 

        Otherwise something that would be really helpful is if you shared your storyline file here for testing. 🙂