Forum Discussion

MartinVolckart's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Problem with jump to cue points triggered by audio in Storyline 360 with version 3.88.32474.0

Hi Everyone!

When jumping to a cue point triggered by the end of an audiofile the timeline doesn't continue (even if the condition is set).

Published with version 3.88.32474.0 (28 may 2024) it works fine for the first jump. The second audio then plays in a loop and the timeline won't continue.

Published with version 3.84.31722.0 (06 february 2024)  it works fine for the whole sequence.


I use this setting to automatically synchronize different language versions.

Has anyone a clue?

  • Hello Martin!

    Thank you so much for sharing your .story file and published output folders! This made it really easy to see the behavior you are reporting. 

    I've tested this out on my end using Storyline 360 Update 3.88.32574.0, which was released on June 6th, and I'm not seeing the same behavior you mentioned in the version we released on May 28th.

    Here's a screen recording of the behavior! Do you mind updating Storyline 360 and letting me know if you see the same behavior?

  • Hello Martin!

    I saw your reply on the Review 360 link! I published the project for Web and noticed the same behavior in Review 360 and the web output. Both play as expected. I'm attaching the .story file that I saved on my end. Do you want to see if using this .story file and publishing it makes a difference?

  • Hello Lauren,

    thank you very much. with the last version it works fine.

    Best regards Martin