Forum Discussion

RamYadav's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

"Play" icon button appeared before beginning the course in Chrome

Many of us from eLearning industry had been facing this problem in the past that while working with Chrome:  "Play" icon button appears at the beginning of the course.

While working on any courses, if we view the course in Chrome browser a big "Play" icon button appears at the very beginning of the course. Which is not at all restricting the course, but it is annoying to the learner. Does anyone have any idea?  how to get rid from of this?

Link for screen shots: 1.


Thanks in advance....!



  • Hi Ram,

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing the image of what you see when you launch the course.

    Is there a video on the first slide? Chrome does not allow content to auto-play, so that's why you see a play button. Check out some additional information here (includes a link to audio info as well).

    • RamYadav's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for your response....

      Its really helpful...! 

  • Hi, is this only when you publish it or when you have uploaded it to your LMS? I get the play button when I publish it but once it's uploaded to the LMS it does not show.

    • RamYadav's avatar
      Community Member

      I get this when I publish the course and run the course in Chrome browser

  • Does this apply with  text to speech in storyline or only with audio files added to the slide? 

  • Hi, Elizabeth.

    It also applies to text-to-speech audio: the user will also see the Play button if it's on your first slide. 

    If this is your scenario, here are two workarounds:

    • Set the first slide (or the slide that comes before the one with the audio) to advance only when learners click a button or interact with it in some way.

    • Insert silent audio on the first slide to trigger the Play button. You can use Storyline's Record Mic option for this.

    Let me know if this works!

  • Hi all. We performed this fix to remove the Big Play Button. (It's not as complex as it seems but it must be done after every SL update.) I remember a workaround to make the audio or video play on the first slide when in Chrome. A simple trigger to Play audio when timeline starts does not work. Any ideas?