Forum Discussion

BeansproutMo921's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Object intersection not working

Hey all,

I'm builing a little 'search and find' mock up but as soon as I add in the 'when object intersects' trigger, the whole thing craps out and preview just sits there trying to load.

Here's the mockup;

I've got my scope set up as an image and then added an invisible shape over the crosshairs and grouped the two of them together. 

Here is how my trigger is set up; 

I'm guessing the problem is simply that the invisible shape doesnt like to be in a group for that particular trigger to work...

Any ideas how I can figure out a workaround, I've tried;

  • 'mouse hovers over'
  • 'object dropped on'

But not getting anwhere! 

Thanks :)



  • Hello Everyone!

    I wanted to share some great news! We are no longer seeing this bug that prevented the Object Intersects trigger from working when intersecting with an object that was part of a grouped object in a Storyline course.

    Please make sure that you are using the current version of Storyline 360 (3.72.29699.0)This guide walks you through installing, updating, and opening Articulate 360 apps.

    Please let us know if you're still encountering the issue and we'd be happy to continue troubleshooting with you in a support case.

  • Hi, Alan.

    Thank you for sharing the recording of what you're experiencing! I tried to create something similar on my end, but I couldn't replicate the issue.

    Would you be comfortable sharing your .story file either publicly here or privately through a support case so we can see what's going on and help you troubleshoot?

    • AlanPerkins's avatar
      Community Member

      HI Maria,

      I have submitted the case #02785865.

  • I am experiencing this issue, but I am not using groups for the drag item or drop location. The project works fine as long as the drag item is dropped on the correct drop location, but if it doesn't, then it stall out. 
    I have constructed my own D&D scenario with triggers and variables since the native D&D feature doesn't allow for pulling the score out. 
    But try as I might, I cannot get the project to work as inevitably there will be at least one wrong answer.
    Can anyone help? 

  • Dear team, 

    Writing to you in March 2022, the issue has not been fixed.

    I use Articulate storyline 360. I want what I thought to be a simple interaction: Have an object appear after a reader scrolls to the end of a text. I found this thread but so far no solution there. I have tried the following options without the desired result: 

    1) Chris Hodgson's Deep Sea infographic/interaction 

    2) Trying the 'when object intersects' trigger listed above. In preview mode as well as in Review 360 there is nothing but blank space. 

    3) Trying the 'when object is dropped on' trigger. Preview mode shows slide, but object does not appear after quote hits line. 

    Is there a simple trigger that does work? Or a workaround I haven't found yet? 

    To be honest, I've been working with SL for almost 5 years now and I keep looking for these simple features that for some kind of reason are not simple to implement. (Image resolution not scaling, screencast not recording properly, these simple triggers). Don't get me wrong I love to learn, put in extra time to create something awesome and this community is helpful, but things like these should not be so time consuming to make and/or should be available in the next update. Not two years later. 

    Thank you for your time, best wishes, Syta


    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hello Syta!

      I'm sorry for the trouble! I am trying to view the course you've linked but it's actually just a blank slide for me. Do you mind uploading the .story file instead? If so, can you send the .story file privately in a support case so that I can enlist other members of our Support Team for testing?

  • I'm hoping for any support on this thread. I'm trying to use a "when the object intersects" trigger and I'm confused on how it works. When I build the slide and then preview, I just get a white slide. I have tried may different iterations of the slide, and I still get a blank white slide.

    Thank you!

  • Hi Amber,

    I'm sorry you're having an issue with the "when the object intersects" trigger! I would love to help you troubleshoot this! Would you be willing to share your files here or reach out to our Support Engineers privately in a support case?

    Thanks for reaching out!

  • Hello Everyone!

    I wanted to share some great news! We are no longer seeing this bug that prevented the Object Intersects trigger from working when intersecting with an object that was part of a grouped object in a Storyline course.

    Please make sure that you are using the current version of Storyline 360 (3.72.29699.0)This guide walks you through installing, updating, and opening Articulate 360 apps.

    Please let us know if you're still encountering the issue and we'd be happy to continue troubleshooting with you in a support case.

    • KaitlynBecker's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi! I'm having a related issue. Short version: the slide breaks (only shows blank screen) if you check an intersection of an object within a group.

      I have a group set up to drag and drop, but I want to test if a specific object within the group is intersecting (basically just setting up the D&D to have a different hitbox than the full object). Unfortunately, having the intersection test object within a group breaks the slide, regardless of whether the drag and drop is enabled.

      Thank you for any help you can offer! I have included a simple public example of the issue.

    • TomReading's avatar
      Community Member

      This isn't resolved! I'm on the latest version and this is still happening. Do you have any work around suggestions?

      • MathNotermans-9's avatar
        Community Member

        Not use groups. Or use GSAP for collision functionality with intersect. Then you can use groups.

  • Hi Kaitlyn, 

    Thanks so much for reaching out and providing a sample file for us! Sorry to hear you've run into this snag. 

    I tested on my end and was able to replicate this behavior. I've gone ahead and opened a support case on your behalf. I'd like to have our talented Support Engineers take a closer look at your file. They'll reach out shortly via email. We appreciate your patience.

    We'll continue the conversation over in your case!

    Have a great start to your day! 🎉

  • FatemehEb's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi, the same problem is happening to me. in fact, I have a drag and drop activity and the drag items are part of a scroll bar. So everytime that I use the whens the object is dropped trigger, I can't get a preview anymore and it's just a blank white page. Can you please help me?

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Fatemeh Eb!

      Sorry to hear you've also run into this setback!

      Would you be comfortable sharing a copy of your .story file for testing? I'd be happy to take a closer look and confirm if you are being affected by the same issue being discussed in this thread. Feel free to upload it here in the discussion or privately through a support case.

      We'll delete it from our system as soon as troubleshooting is finished!

  • Is there any fix for this, as to still have the same fault 5 years after it's reported is a terrible development cycle.

    I have made a fantastic carosel slide in storyline and I can't get it to stop working when it reaches each end, I assume because the intersect trigger isn't working.