Forum Discussion

AnnaEames's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Next Button Disabled - won't enable


I'm new to Storyine and I'm trying to disable the next button until the user clicks on all the objects. That's all working fine, however the next button isn't re-enabling. I'm using States - when all the objects are visited, the variable becomes True and the Next button should be enabled. The only thing I can think of, is the objects are grouped, and that's somehow interfering?

I've attached a screenshot of the various triggers - i'm hoping someone can help me!



  • I can't tell enough from the pictures to know what is wrong, but I can tell you that groups are not reliable with triggers or states.

    There is an old saying in the theater: "Anyone who puts kids or animals on the stage deserves what happens to them." That means that no matter how well-behaved, or well-trained you think they are, at some time they are going to revert to their true nature, and you can only hope it doesn't happen during a performance.  The SL correlation is: "Anyone who uses groups deserves what happens to them." That means that no matter how well-behaved or how well-trained you hope they are, groups don't play nicely with anything, and especially not states, clicking on, and triggers. Sooner or later, you are likely to have problems with them.
    I used a group in SL once, and it worked the way I wanted. I think it was in 19...  No, wait. I'm thinking of another program, Maybe ...  Well, it doesn't matter; the point is that groups don't work in SL. Pretty much you can use groups, or you can have triggers and states that work, but not both.
    Pretty much what you need to do is to make all the disparate objects in the group into one object. The easiest way to do that is to select all but the main one, copy them, edit the states of the main one, and paste the others onto its Normal state.  Works in every way exactly as a group, but it actually reliably works if you do it that way.
    Then, if it still isn't what you want, attach your .story file here, so someone can take a look at it and help.


  • AnnaEames's avatar
    Community Member

    thanks Walt - i'm so new, and I've only just figured out how to see my own posts, hence the late reply. I kept googling and ended up using a number variable. And at the end of the process, i've gone back to using states. My boss works very organically :-) 

    You're so right about the groups though - I'm now creating images to use to avoid groups entirely.