Forum Discussion

ServiceForma051's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Mise en gras de mots dans une référence d'une variable texte - Bold words in a reference of a text variable


Savez-vous s'il est possible de mettre en gras juste quelques mots dans une référence d'une variable texte svp ? 

Belle journée 😊



Do you know if it is possible to bold just a few words in a reference of a text variable please?

Have a nice day 😊

  • Hi Service Formation!

    Happy to help with this!

    Storyline 360 allows you to enclose text in <b></b> tags to make it bold. For example, a variable with a value of <b>Storyline 360</b> becomes Storyline 360 in the published output. This article goes into further detail on using HTML formatting tags with Text Variables.

    Please let me know if you have any more questions!