Forum Discussion

LeonardSaucier's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

marker pulsing

I am digging the markers pulsing. But can we stop them from pulsing after clicking? When I looked at states, the option for maker animate is greyed out on anything but normal. 

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    You can achieve this effect using JavaScript. Essentially, you need to remove the animation element associated with each marker when it's clicked. This can be done by adding an event listener to each marker that targets its nested animation element and removes it.


  • It is not ideal, but you can get something close using the Emphasis animation


  • No is the simple answer.

    By doing a bit of work you can hide one marker with pulse and show one without 

    • HVfb0f498d-053b's avatar
      Community Member

      I've tried that, it can work by adjusting the hidden states using triggers but the initial on click won't automatically expand the marker body text of the second duplicate marker.