Forum Discussion

BarbaraJacobs-1's avatar
Community Member
8 days ago

How to get a Results page to appear in the Menu

We'd like the results page to appear in the menu.  I'm looking for good examples of how to do this.  

  • Storyline leaves Results slides out of the Menu, even when you reset it. And even when you add one to the Menu using the method Ashley described, the program won't include it. 


    A Results slide relies on multiple built-in variables, which are impacted by what happens on the question slides. If someone could jump to the Results slide from anywhere, the program wouldn't have the info it needs to display the slide, and it wouldn't load. That would be much more frustrating for a user than not being able to return to the Results slide via the Menu. 

    That said, there is a way to make it seem like the Results slide is in the Menu.

    • Insert a slide directly before it, with the title "Your Results" or whatever matches what the real Results slide shows. 
    • Add a trigger to that slide so it automatically advances when the timeline starts. 
    • That slide can appear in the Menu, but it will always advance to the actual Results slide. 
  • Does anyone have an example of custom results I can create that will mimic the built-in results?  Am looking for a way to send xAPI as well.

  • AshleyChiasson's avatar
    Community Member

    Judy - I totally didn't realize that, so did a quick publish test and for sure you are correct :D I never really had a need to include it in the menu, so the more you know! But your work around is perfect - just replicate the slide as a non-result slide. Great workaround.

    • BarbaraJacobs-1's avatar
      Community Member

      Ashley, it was the image you provided that made me think of adding the page at the end of the scene.  Thank you all!

  • Storyline leaves Results slides out of the Menu, even when you reset it. And even when you add one to the Menu using the method Ashley described, the program won't include it. 


    A Results slide relies on multiple built-in variables, which are impacted by what happens on the question slides. If someone could jump to the Results slide from anywhere, the program wouldn't have the info it needs to display the slide, and it wouldn't load. That would be much more frustrating for a user than not being able to return to the Results slide via the Menu. 

    That said, there is a way to make it seem like the Results slide is in the Menu.

    • Insert a slide directly before it, with the title "Your Results" or whatever matches what the real Results slide shows. 
    • Add a trigger to that slide so it automatically advances when the timeline starts. 
    • That slide can appear in the Menu, but it will always advance to the actual Results slide. 
  • AshleyChiasson's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Barbara - You can do this by going into the Player Properties > Menu > Insert from Project: 

    From the dialog that appears, select the result slide you wish to add, and click Insert:

    Hope that helps!

    • BarbaraJacobs-1's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you, Ashley.  I will try that too.  We need to be able to do this...future enhancement?

      • JudyNollet's avatar
        Super Hero

        Note what I said in my earlier reply: the steps that Ashley provided don't work. Initially, the Results slide is added to the slide list on the left. But it isn't added to the preview, and it will disappear from the list on the left again after closing the Player.

        I doubt that Articulate will ever add the ability to include the Results slide in the Menu. There are simply too many ways that could screw up how the course functions.