Forum Discussion

BegmKocaeren's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

how to embed report.html output to LMS system using JavaScript?

Hi, there!

We, as a company, are new in Articulate.

We have our LMS platform and we need to learn how to embed report.html output to our LMS system using JavaScript. Our backend team needs assistance on the subject. Is there anyone helping and reaching out to us about the issue? 

If so, we are glad to hear. Thanks in advance. 

Kind regards

  • If your LMS is scorm compatible or XAPI this data will be sent to the lMS the report.html does not need to be opened. You can use the scorm API to read this if you need to.

  • BegmKocaeren's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for your response.

    We are using a results slide already. But here is the question: Can we integrate the variables and data in report.html document into our own report template?

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    You can output any variable / data from Storyline using JS - thats the easy part ;)
    The slightly trickier bit will be to ensure your server picks up the data and actions it correctly (Im assuming in your use case, it might be wanting to store the data in some sort of learning record or database)

    • Ouzlke's avatar
      Community Member

      Yes we will store it in a DB.But we could not figure out how to output those quiz score variables in the story.html. We will open the html contents by iframe in a React app and need to send the data to our own api.

      We don't want the user to open the report.html in any way.

  • The data in the report.html will already be sent to the LMS. AS Andrew states anything else can be sent it the comes down to time and perseverance.

  • Ouzlke's avatar
    Community Member

    We actually want to learn how to retrieve the data in the report.html without opening it after the user completes the process in story.html. I can accesss them in the report.html by quiz object. But we need this data before the report.html is generated, so that we can deliver it via our own API. Can you please assist us on that ?