Forum Discussion

CassandraLee's avatar
Community Member
4 days ago

How to add iframe title?

Our Higher-Ed client performed 508 testing on our Storyline presentation. They reported that "The iframe does not have a title" as it relates to A11Y-3447. The ANDI Output states " Iframe has no accessible name or [title]." 

I relayed back to the client a reply from an Articulate staff member I found on another discussion but that did not satisfy the client's expectations. ("A course in Storyline 360 doesn't use an individual webpage or iframe for each slide. We meet this criterion with Storyline 360 by displaying the course title as the page title that appears on the browser tab. Screen readers announce the course title (i.e., the page title) when the course first launches.")

We then tried to force an iframe title into the published SCORM output, but it seems to be stripped out upon playback testing.

Is there a way to force an iframe title into the published output? 

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