Forum Discussion

JoanneBentley-b's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

How do you export your RISE Dashboard of courses to Excel?

My boss wants a full list of courses on my dashboard from the past 5 years which is ~400 courses and microbursts. I need title, when they were developed, how many lessons, etc. I've started doing it by hand but figure there must be a shortcut to summarize 20 pages from dashboard view.

  • Hi Joanne. I am having the same issue. Thanks Jose for the info about sending a feature request. I have now done this. 

    • SamHill's avatar
      Super Hero

      I can confirm this works on grid view but not list view.

      Great extension!

  • Hi Joanne,

    There isn't a way to export course titles and lesson counts into Excel from the dashboard. I hope some of our community members will chime in if they have found a solution for this. 

  • That is a real shame. Any hope that this feature will be added soon? Being able to export a dashboard to excel shouldn't be a big ask.

  • HilaryHudson's avatar
    Community Member

    Agreed that this is a needed and basic expected feature of a system such as Articulate.  I too have made a request.  

  • We have a chrome extension that helps us download all this data as a CSV file

    • SamHill's avatar
      Super Hero

      Is that something you can share with the public?

      • PrasoonN's avatar

        Sure, I will ask my team to deploy it as a chrome extension. Will update here once done.

  • Here's a method using a Bookmarklet. This is just a special bookmark that executes JavaScript.

    Simply open your browser, and create a new bookmark. In Chrome, this is done via the Bookmark Manager (CTL+SHIFT+O) and then selecting Add new bookmark via the menu in the top right (three vertical dots). Just give it a Name, for example Get Courses, and then copy and past the following code into URL field.

    javascript:(function(){let csvData="Course Title,Author,Updated Date,Lesson Count\n";const formatText=(textElement)=>{let text=textElement?.textContent||%27%27;return%20text.replaceAll(%27,%27,%27%27).replaceAll(%27%C2%B7%27,%27%27).replaceAll(%27%C2%A0%27,%27%27).trim();};document.querySelectorAll(%27[aria-label=%22courses%22]%20li%27).forEach(course=%3E{const%20details=course.querySelectorAll(%27div%27)[0];const%20author=formatText(details.querySelector(%22[class*=content-author_authorName]%22));const%20updated=formatText(details.querySelector(%22[class*=block-view-item-common_updated]%22));const%20title=formatText(details.querySelector(%22[data-ba=\\%22]%22));const%20lessonCount=formatText(details.querySelector(%22[data-ba=\%22ContentTypeLabel.lessonCount\%22]%22));csvData+=`${title},${author},${updated},${lessonCount}\n`;});const%20csvContent=%22data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,%22+encodeURIComponent(csvData);;})();

    You can then navigate to the Rise course library and select the Bookmarklet.