Forum Discussion

DavidSilverm226's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Get detailed statistics on how quiz questions are being answered?

Is there any way to see what answers a specific learner, or learners in general, submitted on a quiz that is built in Rise?

For example, if I have a multiple choice question in my quiz, I would love to be able to look back at the quiz after all of my students complete it and see statistics that say "50% of users said A, 30% said B, 8% said C and 12% said D".

It would also be helpful if we could go into this level of detail for individual learners. For example after John Smith submits his quiz I would love to be able to look back and see "John got an 88% on this quiz. John answered A for question 1, C for question 2, B for question 3, etc."

Is there any way to get this level of information? For reference, I want to embed/import the quiz into an LMS, but it is okay if this information is only available in Rise.