Forum Discussion

BonniePiper-e28's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Customized Print Out with Responses at End of Course

I have a 'creative' assignment to complete in Storyline. 

Currently, my client has too many interview questions in a question bank and would like to provide autonomy to hiring managers to select their own questions in this course, which is an interactive interview guide. 

The desired outcome for this 'course' and its function is that each page in the module has a topic and a selection of related questions to the topic. The user will select/choose questions from the page, then move on to another page with another topic and more questions to select. Once they have gone through each page of selected questions, then the goal is for the user to have a cumulative review of only the questions which they selected, then I want to have a print button, so that they can print out these selected questions. 

I've started designing this by using an Input>Checkbox function for each question. But how do I create a page where all checked questions can show up on a final print page? I didn't see a trigger for it. Can anyone give a creative solution or provide a function that I might have missed? 

  • Don't know if this would help. If you create a True/False variable for each question, then when a question is selected the variable would change from False to True. Then instead of using a question bank, create a scene for each module with all the questions for that module. When the user have gone through all the modules, create a review page to allow the user to return to the individual scenes. Create another True/False variable for displaying cumulative review, if the user is visiting the module via the review page, the variable would change to True. Then for each question in module create a trigger to jump to the next question slide when the timeline starts on the question slide if both the question variable and the review variable are false.