Forum Discussion

JoePavoncordero's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Course Not Completing After Final Assessment


I have a course built in Rise that should complete upon successfully passing the final exam regardless of the amount of content viewed.  However, it will only grant credit in the LMS if a user passes the exam AND views all of the content. 

Passing the exam with anything else than 100% content viewed will not grant credit in the LMS. Furthermore, upon relaunching the module, it launches with a clean history as if the user never watched any of the content. 

Using SCORM 2004. Tracking is set to Summative Knowledge Check. Reporting is set to Passed/Incomplete. 

I have other modules with identical settings that complete as expected. 

  • Hello Joe,

    Happy to help! Thanks for sharing a detailed description of the issue with an accompanying screenshot. This behavior is unexpected as you're tracking the course using quiz results. It's also strange why the course starts with a clean slate upon restarting. Knowing that other courses with similar settings work in your LMS, we can rule out an LMS issue. 

    But if you want to confirm that further, feel free to test your published course at SCORM Cloud and compare the results with your LMS. If it works at SCORM Cloud, I recommend opening a support case with your LMS provider to troubleshoot the issue. 

    If your course doesn't work correctly at SCORM Cloud, could I have you connect with us in a case so we can determine what's happening? We'll reach out soon after we hear from you.

  • Hi Eric,

    Thank you for your suggestion.

    I uploaded the file to SCORM Cloud and tested it. I only watched a few segments and jumped to the final assessment. Upon completing it, SCORM Cloud recorded complete/pass (see attachment). 

    The next course of action suggested is to relate this to my LMS team, yes? I'll reach out to our LMS team regarding this. If there are any other details I should test, please let me know. 



  • Hi Joe, 

    Glad to hear you were able to see the correct behavior in SCORM Cloud!

    Yes, that's correct. I would recommend reaching out to your LMS administrator to understand why the course is not completing after the final assessment in their environment. 

    It could be helpful to enable the LMS debug mode for your course to gather more information on the behavior to share with your LMS team. 

    Let us know if any follow-up questions arise!