Forum Discussion
Confirming Text in text entry fields.
In the attached sample, TextEntry5 and 6 are not being used, so I took them out of the triggers, and things started working.
As to the phone number, I would use a text variable, Then you can use "is not blank", or "< 1000000000 or greater than 9999999999" as your conditions, and it will show the error message if left blank.
As to comparing two entries (which I think was your original question), I'm suspicious of these two sets of triggers:
No matter what is entered, the second trigger makes them both = to HiddenPassword, so they always match. See the attached for a way they might work.
Notice that I’m in a real hurry, and did a very bad thing. I assigned the TextEntry5 and 6 variables to text entry boxes 2 and 3. Crossing those variables like that can make it very difficult to troubleshoot. You should fix them before you use them in production.
If you don't want to show the original password if they don't match, remove the trigger on the error message layer.
Hi Walt,
You truly are a hero!!!
Thanks for the heads up about renaming all the TextFields, as a newby I never realised the trouble it can cause.
This is my first project and I went big. LOL.
Thanks for the support.