Forum Discussion

  • Hi Lauren!

    Sorry to hear you're having issues importing PowerPoint slides to your Storyline 360 course! I'd be happy to help with that!

    Testing this on my end (Storyline 360 ver 3.78.30747.0 in Windows Parallels on a Mac M1), I was unable to reproduce the same behavior. Everything was working as it should!

    I had a couple of follow-up questions to help me understand what you are experiencing a little better:

    • Are you working from your local hard drive? We don't recommend working with files on a network drive as it can cause erratic behavior.
    • Which version of Storyline 360 are you currently running?
    • Have you checked to see if you have any PowerPoint add-ins? It may help to temporarily disable them and then try to import the file to Storyline again.

    The error message that appears could be connected to a few different factors. I would recommend checking out this guide to see if these scenarios apply:

    Also, it would be helpful to take a closer look at your project files to see what might be getting in the way. Would you mind sharing them in this discussion or uploading them privately through a support case? We'll delete them from our system once we're finished!