Forum Discussion

OderayRosselEsp's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Button set defective or bug?

Hello articulate community. I have a mystery I hope you can help me with. I set 3 icons to act as button set. Each has 4 states (normal, hover, selected, and visited), and each shows a layer. I need each icon/button to show selected (blue) when the user clicks it and visited (checkmark +gray color) when the user clicks another button. Currently, only one icon changes to the visited state, the other two show the checkmark, but the color stays blue so there is no toggle effect. It is so frustrating.

I tried a work around with triggers and If conditions, but it did not work either and it was pretty lengthy to do. This is a very large project, so I copy and pasted one of the pages for you to see. Don't mind the layers proportion. Rescaling the page messed them up. If I'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug, please let me know.

  • I think the problem is that you're using Groups as interactive buttons. While it's possible to select a Group and put it into a button set, the built-in functionality often doesn't work for every item when the Group is clicked. 

    Unfortunately, many of the available icons in the Content Library are actually groups of freeform objects, rather than single objects. (That's the case for the hands and the keyboard in your file.)

    Here's one way to make a multi-object icon into one item on the timeline: insert a rectangle that's the size needed to hold the icon. Then, go into edit-states mode, and insert the icon directly into Normal state (like you inserted the checkmark into the Visited states). Format the objects in the icon as needed. Duplicate that state to create the other states you need, and reformat the icon in each as needed. 

    Do that so each button is just 1 item on the Timeline (and not a Group). Also re-do the button set. Then the built-in functionality should work automatically so on only 1 button is in the Selected state at a time, and any button that was previously selected will become Visited. 

    By the way, I suggest you remove the Visited state from the background image. Instead, make that a custom state (e.g., call it Faded). Why do that? An object with a Visited state will automatically change to Visited when clicked. That means the user will see the cursor change to indicate the background is clickable, and the background will change if the user clicks anywhere on the slide. But if you use a custom state, the background won't be a clickable object. Yet you can still change it to the custom state with the triggers attached to the buttons.