Forum Discussion
Best Setup for Multiple Depts
My personal opinion:
One large training for everybody sounds very attractive and glamorous, but in reality can be a lot more work and development time. It’s longer and harder to implement, and down the road if one department changes their content, it takes time to be sure some other department’s material isn’t affected. Plus with separate segments, you have already solved the “problem” of preserving historical data; you’ve completely eliminated it.
I think the only compelling argument for combining them is if there is a large amount of the training that is common to all, with only a small section that is department specific. Even then, you can develop the common training, copy it, and add to each copy the specific content.
In reality, the way you describe it, it isn’t really much of a build your own adventure. It sounds like there would be one choice at the beginning that would branch off into separate trails. If that’s the case, it’s a pretty short adventure. If each trail becomes a choose your own adventure, it can be created as a stand alone project. Again, if the adventure trails cross and interweave (now a specific choice, now some common material, now specific, etc.) you might be justified in mixing them.
If the choice is always “I’m on the marketing path” or “I’m on the product development path”, then every choice is pre-ordained, and it isn’t much of a “Choose your adventure” proposition.