Forum Discussion

EricSchaffer-d1's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Variables not working after translation

Wonderful Articulate world,

I have a presentation that works fine in English. When it gets translated into Spanish using Amazon translate the variables no longer work.

Any ideas?  

  • Hi Eric,

    Thanks for sharing your file! I'm not sure if something happened during the translation, but I spotted a space in between the "DF" and "700120000442", so it looks like the interaction won't move forward unless they include the space.

    Also, as a design tip, I'm not sure there's a need for an Active state for that button.

    I attached a different approach worth considering. I hope it helps!

  • I'll add to what Phil said. Your variable references were likely translated, while the actual variable names remain the same.

    So, for example, if you had a variable called "name," the on-slide reference would be "%name%." But if that were translated into Spanish, the on-slide reference would be "%nombre%" -- and Storyline would have no record of a variable called "nombre." 

    If variables are used in multiple locations, it'd probably be quickest to update the variable name. Otherwise, you'll need to revert the on-slide text to the original variable name.

    • EricSchaffer-d1's avatar
      Community Member

      Ok, let me understand this. Here is my tragger:


      Change state of Next button- "Proximo" to Active

      When SSID changes

      If SSID = Value DF700120000442

      The only thing that changed was the name on the button. What di I need to change?

  • Hi, Eric.

    I am glad Phil and Judy were able to help you figure out the issue!

    I just wanted to add a quick note: it looks like your email signature with contact information came through when you replied via email. You can remove it by clicking ‘Edit’ below your response. Here’s a quick Peek video if you need help.

  • Maria Costa,


    That's not a problem, I don't mid people knowing how dumb I am about this, plus that witness protection program really doesn't work. 

  • SSID is a variable from a text input field. The user enters this number then click on the Next or as it now shows Proximo button. This is where the first lock up happens. It will not proceed. 

    • PhilMayor's avatar
      Super Hero

      Did you use an automatic translation process?

      Any chance you can post that slide?

      Sent from my iPhone

  • We use Amazon Web translation. We dump everything into it and it spits out all new text we can just drop in.  

    Not sure how to post one slide, but I will with some instruction.

    • PhilMayor's avatar
      Super Hero

      You can import the slide into a clean project just make sure the slide size is the same.

      Sent from my iPhone

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      Hi, Eric,

      In the file you provided, the Proximo button activates on slide 1 if I enter the designated text. Note in the screenshot that the text shown on the slide is the same as the value in the trigger.

      The button doesn't activate on slide 3. Well, it doesn't if one enters the text shown on the slide. It will work if one enters "PreSharedKey" -- because that's what the trigger is looking for. 

      So be sure the desired variable value is the same as what you're telling people to enter.

      (BTW, I noticed that the narration mentions typing it all as one word. But that isn't done with the translated text...)

  • I want to thank you both. When it was sent out to Amazon translate it was one word. When it came back it is now two words. 

    Sometimes another set of eyes finds these little things. It works fine now that I fixed it on the three slides.

    Thanks again.