Forum Discussion

Nico78's avatar
Community Member
10 days ago

Text state doesn't work (variable triggered)

Hi guys,

I've been struggling for two hours with probably the most stupid problem I've ever faced :)

I have this basic quizz (see attached) with a bunch of questions (it's ugly I know, that's just a cleaned up version for demonstration purpose). Each good answer adds "1" to the "Score" variable.
At the end of the quizz, there's a "Results" slide that tells you how many answers did you get right (it show the variable's value). Pretty simple, and it works.

The problem is: I also want to show a customized text depending on the result.
Basically :

  • if you get 0 or 1 good answer : "not good enough"
  • if you get 2 : "pretty good'
  • if you get 3 : "awesome"

To do this, I created one single text zone, then I added 3 different states to it.

So my trigger is simple: "Set the TEXT state to X good answer when the slide begins if Score value = X"

Pretty simple, right? Well, it just doesn't work, it keeps showing the "3 correct answers" state, and I have no idea why.

The crazy thing is that it was perfectly working until yesterday.

To be precise: in the full quizz, there are actually 4 questions but I removed one in the version I attached.
In this full version, it kept showing the "3 correct answers" state if I had 0, 1, 2 or 3 correct answers. But if I had 4 correct answers, it showed the "4 correct answers" state as it should. So basically it didn't to show the correct state when the number of correct answers was below 3.

Do you have any idea why?

Thanks a lot.

  • First, thanks for taking the time to provide a simplified file!

    In the file you uploaded, the triggers to add 1 to the "score" variable were after the Submit__ triggers. The Submit__ trigger includes jumping to the next slide. The program can't run any remaining triggers after it leaves the slide. So the "score" remained at 0, even when all of the questions were answered correctly. 

    However, even after fixing that, the problem persisted of the "3 of 3" message showing when it shouldn't. 

    Strangely enough, when I reverse the order of the "change state..." triggers, it works--except for when all 3 are right!

    In short: something is corrupted.  I suggest you submit a case directly to the Articulate staff. You can do that here:  Contact Support for Help with Any Articulate E-Learning Course Development Software

    In the meantime, you could try completely rebuilding the custom results slide in the same way. Or use a slightly alternate method: create 3 separate text boxes. Given them all the Initial state of Hidden. Then use triggers to change the appropriate one to Normal based on the value of "score." Maybe that won't go wonky. 

    By the way, you need an extra condition for the multiple-response question. In addition to checking whether the correct answers are Selected, you need to check that the wrong answer is not Selected. And, yes, use "≠ Selected." ("=Normal" doesn't work well, because the other states are based on Normal.)

    Good luck!