Forum Discussion

IvanPetrov-7022's avatar
Community Member
8 years ago

Uneditable element


I'm having trouble editing the text in the second image (attachment). This is the use case: at the end of the Base layer, 6 additional slide layers appear by clicking on respective objects (as in "click on this to see that").  The trigger object is an image but there's no such text object on the stage or in the layers or anywhere... When I render the scene it appears and in the layer there's only a sound and nothing else. The animation hook cannot be selected too.

I have spent hours trying to solve it and I am going nuts with this one. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • Hi Ivan,

    My first thought is the text might be located in the object's states.

    If not, it would be helpful if I could take a peek at your file. Would you mind sharing it here? Thanks!

  • Woohoo! I'm glad that was it! Thanks for coming back around to let me know you got it sorted out. 😊

  • Hey Alyssa,
    You just made my day better :) that is it exactly. First time to come upon such an approach to it.

    Thanks a million!

  • I'm four years late to this thread, but I just have to say that your answer has saved our team here hours of work as well - would have never thought to hit States. Thanks so much.