Forum Discussion

JenniferMatt591's avatar
Community Member
15 days ago

Enabling Next once all layers/elements clicked

I am working on a training, and I need all of the layers on slide 1.3 (Call Center) to be clicked and viewed before enabling the Next button. However, while the Next button becomes enabled after all layers are viewed, it does not progress. I'm still fairly new to Storyline 360 so any help would be great appreciated. 


  • Is that because you are only previewing a single slide or is it the last slide on the scene?

  • It's neither. It was one in the middle, but I suspect it's due to a broken link between this slide and the next. 

    • KellyAuner's avatar

      Hi JenniferMatt591,

      That doesn't sound right!

      Are you willing to share your file so we can take a look at what's going on? You can upload it here or privately in a support case and we'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete.