Forum Discussion

WendyTomaiolo's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Unable to find Story and analytics after publishing please help

Unable to find Story and analytics after publishing please help

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    Once you publish a story, the output will be configured as you selected:

    If you have selected "LMS/LRS," the output files will be in the indicated location. (In this example, the location would be C:\Users\...\Documents\My Articulate Projects) - look for a folder in that directory that you can then upload to your LMS.

    That folder will most likely NOT contain a file named "*.story" (where "*" is the name of the story you published). What you will see is a set of files like this:

    The "story.html" file is what is actually played by the LMS. And as you can see, it's simply an HTML file with references throughout the file to the various other files and directories in this location. So it's a standalone web file that you have published.

    In other words, you publish a Storyline file and it creates a HTML file. 

    As for the analytics - that depends entirely on your LMS and how you have configured that. In most cases (publishing to SCORM) you should be able to track basic information (passed/failed, complete/incomplete) by configuring these settings as you publish (these are all in the "reporting and tracking" functions accessed by clicking the button in the first image).

    Good luck!