Forum Discussion

OttaviaMariani's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Trigger order issue

Hello everyone,

I am having an issue with triggers and hoping to find some wisdom here :) 

I am creating a test with 10 questions, where every question has 3 options (radio buttons), each linked to a different variable (A,B,C). 

If at the end of the test one of the variables count is higher than the other 2, the user lands on a specific slide that shows their specific profile (already set this up, works fine).

Now, the issue is that when on Q10 there is a draw, I need to direct the user to an extra bonus question once they click on the submit button, to make sure there is never a draw and the user eventually lands on their specific profile.

I created 3 different slides, all with the same question, but this time there are only two answer options on each one, so that:

If on Q10 A=B, user will only be able to give Answer A or B

If on Q10 A=C, user will only be able to give Answer A or C

If on Q10 C=B, user will only be able to give Answer C or B

So, I set the triggers on my button as per screenshot attached, but I keep on landing on the slide of the first trigger I set in the order, regardless of whether that condition is true or not. I tried changing the order of triggers, and when I do so I land on the slide of the first trigger in all cases. 

It seems like the connections to each slide works fine, but the first trigger always 'blocks' the other 2 and becomes predominant regardless of conditions applied.


I know trigger order is important, but how do I create 3 different 'equal' or 'independent' triggers on the same object that will make sure what I need to do happens?

Sorry for the long thread, please help me avoid insanity! LOL



  • Going to be difficult to say without seeing the slide, have you added in references to see what the value of those variables are when you Neter the slide?

    • OttaviaMariani's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for your help Phil! I'm new to SL so I am not sure I know what you're talking about with the references. 

  • Hi Paolo, 

    I'm sorry you're encountering this issue! I agree that it would be helpful to see the Storyline file to see the connection with the other triggers. Do you mind attaching your project to this discussion or privately in a support case? We'll delete it when we're done!

    • OttaviaMariani's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Eric, thanks for your support, it would be tricky to upload the whole project here as it would infringe confidentiality with the client, I will proceed privately via the support case. :)

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    I would have placed these 3 triggers on the top of the other triggers. It should work just fine. Now what do you want to do if A = 3, and B = 3, and C = 4. The C is greater then A and B, at the same time A and B are equal. Do you want to go to Profile C (highest number) or to Bonus AB (draw)? Let me know if don't follow. However, in that case more conditions need to be specified to make sure all options are played good. It's doable.

    • OttaviaMariani's avatar
      Community Member

      Dear Nedim,

      thanks for your input, I have tried placing the triggers on top of all others, but it does not work. Regarding the other case you are mentioning, I have placed a condition where in that case it will take the user to Profile C, and only consider the draw if those options are higher or equal to 40 (only majority draw are 50/50 or 40/40/20, all others will take user to predominant.

  • Hi, Paolo!

    Great call sharing your files privately in a case! I see that you’ve connected with my teammate, Jan, so we'll continue the conversation in your support case.

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for your answer, it's more clear now. In that case, please find the attached screenshot with triggers and story file you may check and test for yourself. I already tested it and it worked great for me. Note that I have same triggers on both, correct and incorrect layers, attached to "Continue" button. You may have only one button that validates and direct further. Please disregard if your issue was resolved by the support team in the meantime.