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LouiseJohns-0a2's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Translation export to word error message

Hey I am trying to export my storyline 360 file to word for translation, but keep getting this error message. I have asked another team member to try, to see if it was my laptop, but not having any luck.

Really hoping the file hasn't corrupted. Is there another way to export at all?

Kind Regards


  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Sorry, you're running into this snag! We're happy to help.

    Could you share more clues with me:

    • Which version of Storyline and which version of Word are you using?
    • Do you see this error with all projects or just this specific one?
    • Have you tried the Exporting to XLIFF option too? If so, do you see the same error message?

    I'd be happy to test things on my end if possible! You can either attach it in the public discussion using the Add Attachment button or upload the .story file to our team privately by using this secure upload link.

  • Hey Becca

    Thanks so much for your response. To answer your questions...

    Storyline 360 and Microsoft 365

    Just this specific file. I just tested on another Storyline file and it works fine.

    I also get this error when trying to export to XLIFF.

    Each time I close the error message, it freezes the file and I have to do the 'task manager' to end the task.

    Sadly I cant share the file for IP reasons, but I am just checking with my legal team if there is a way around it. Do you have any other possible ideas in the meantime? Or even if there is an alternative way to export the text?


    Many thanks


  • Really appreciate it thanks Becca.

    Yes it is a windows environment (not a mac) and I am working on my local drive.

    I so thought that exporting to a new file was going to work then, but it came up with the same error message. Its definitely something I've done in the file somewhere.

    Could it be a file name or added asset in the course at all?

  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Sorry to hear importing into a new file didn't do the trick! 

    Are you able to preview or publish the whole course? If you aren't able to, this could be a hint that there is some possible corruption, and I'd recommend previewing in smaller chunks to pinpoint the culprit!

  • Yes publishing to review 360 and web are working fine as well are the preview options. 

  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Ok, Louise, let's keep at this!

    • Are you on the latest update of Storyline 360? To check, click the Help tab, then click About Storyline. You should see 3.58.26627.0 in the bottom-right corner. Here's how to update.
    • Are you saving the .story file and the .doc file to a local destination, as well as following the other guidelines here? Also, try resaving with different file names.
    • Be sure Microsoft Word is closed while you're trying to export.
    • If you're using the Enhanced Word Translation try unchecking the Include slide thumbnails for reference checkbox.

    • You can switch back to the legacy workflow to see if that helps. Go to the File tab on the ribbon and click Storyline Options. Then select the Features tab on the left and uncheck the box to "Use the new, faster Word translation workflow. Your project files won’t be affected by switching workflows.

    Keep me posted — I'm staying tuned for your findings! 

  • Thanks so much for keeping on this Becca.

    I updated Storyline and still had the same issue. 

    Using local destination for both and microsoft word closed whilst trying to export.

    BUT the last option seems to have worked going back to the legacy workflow, just comes out in a slightly different format, but I think this should work! What is this feature, is there an info page on it at all

    Sending lots of thanks :)