Forum Discussion

DigitalDesign2's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Suggestion for rise Personal Dashboard

I have started working with Rise 360 couple months ago. I have a lot of course on my account. Now it takes a long time loading my "Rise Dashboard" every time I open Rise 360 to make or preview a course. I was wondering if Articulate will take my suggestion to make Rise Dashboard faster by loading a handful of course on first page and then there is second or third page option(s)(Pagination). I attached a screenshot of an example (Articulate dashboard & template page. It has a button for "Browse All Template"). I think this way Rise 360 dashboard will load faster otherwise I am having a hard time working with Rise 360.
With regards,

  • Hi there! Thanks so much for sharing the details of what you're experiencing. Did the dashboard begin loading more slowly just recently, or has this been happening for a while? If something is going wrong on our side, we want to be sure we can identify it and get it resolved!