Forum Discussion

AndreaBorsoi-1d's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Styling CC in video export (after last update)

With the latest update it is not possible to export as a video with CC. This is a great feature indeed, but on the first test the CC come up in the video in white, very large, without any background around it and way too high-up in the screen. I cannot find a way to stylize them. Is there a way to change the positioning, font size and add a dark background like in Adobe Premiere Pro. Otherwise one is forced to put nothing in the lower third and that is a lot of premium space to sacrifice (moreover, this would be a complete waste of space, if one had to move everything up just for the video version, when for everything else this issue is not present. Anyone had the same experience? Otherwise is ok, but pretty much useless a feature (at least for normal use). It makes any video editing software a necessary post-production step. Hardly ideal. 

  • The CCs are standard VTT files so you can open them in a text editor and use styling it will pull the style and position of the box from your video player but you can change the position in the VTT file as well.

  • Dear Phil,

    thank you so much. Learned something I did not know and feel a bit 'ignorant' now. My comment was misplaced I suppose. Normally I am ok using the standard CC in S360 but this time I am using it to produce a short video for a special mini-project (was just quicker to set up in S360), which is not usual for me - I normally work on video with PremierePro and there the styling is very easy. Anyway, your comment now led me to sources where I am learning more about VTT files and styling, and it is useful stuff. Thanks you so much for your lead. I owe you one if I come up north. Well...Mid! ;-) 

    Thanks a lot again



    • PhilMayor's avatar
      Super Hero

      Hi Andrea not misplaced at all, I thought for a minute something was up with the CCs so published a single slide to check they were VTTs. I hadn’t realised that the default window media player CCs looked so bad.

      Sent from my iPhone

    • PhilMayor's avatar
      Super Hero

      Hi Andrea not misplaced at all, I thought for a minute something was up with the CCs so published a single slide to check they were VTTs. I hadn’t realised that the default window media player CCs looked so bad.

      Sent from my iPhone

  • Hi Phil, yes. Still struggling to style VTT files in WinPlayer. But ST360 place them so high-up in the screen and in such a large font... Anyway, some new skills to learn for me. Styling a VTT file. To be honest though, I find it much simpler to publish in ST360 as video, then import it in PremierePro (where styling the CC is a piece of cake) and then publish them with a cart, so it retains full styling. Works smoothly but it seems like no-one has looked into this. Unless the background is dark, the white font is really not so ideal (hardly ever so, in fact). Anyway, knowing the issue exist is good enough when talking to clients (one knows what is needed if video and not SCORM is the choice of output. I hardly do anything without CC - who doesn't these days - so it's a pity. Thanks for this interesting interaction!

