Storyline try mode not working in publish
Hello Storyline users!
I created a course in Rise 360 and inserted Storyline 360 interaction blocks. Two are a combination of video plus a few click interactions created in "try" mode, and one is just a video created in "view" mode.
This is my first time using Storyline and my first time inserting a Storyline block in Rise. The problem I’m having is they won’t play when published for “web”. They work correctly in preview and share, but not publish. I’ve been searching for a solution but can’t find what the problem is and how to fix it.
The discussions I've encountered indicate this has been an issue, but seemingly resolved on the Articulate end. But I'm still having an issue and possible solutions either didn't fix my issue or were too complicated to justify trying or were beyond my skill.
I'm looking for additional insight as to what could be causing this to happen. I believe it's a Storyline issue instead of Rise because I tried publishing just the Storyline project and had the same outcome.
Thank you!