Forum Discussion

JacquiParker-b1's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Storyline Bookmark Position in Video on Page 2023

My Storyline course includes slides that are only videos that automatically progress to the next slide when the video completes.

Students have indicated that when they leave the course, the slide they were on is bookmarked, but not their position in the video. This means they have to re-watch the video to get back to where they left off.

In my research I have seen this question asked in the past, but I haven't seen any updates in the past couple of years. Is there a solution to this problem now in 2023?

  • Hi Jacqui,

    I'm happy to chime in! When a learner exits a slide with a video, the default resume behavior is that the slide will reset to the beginning of the video. The only way to save video progress is by going to the next slide. With this principle in mind, I prepared the attached Storyline project to illustrate how your videos can resume. These are the key steps I recommend:

    1. Add an extra slide at the end of your course.
    2. Place a Save button in each video slide to jump to the extra slide.
    3. In the extra slide, add a Resume and Exit button. The Resume button jumps to the previous slide, and the Exit button exits the course.

    Please note that the Exit Course/Resume functionality is only available when you publish to LMS. So I published the course to LMS and uploaded it to SCORM Cloud for testing; my results are below. Here's my invite link so you can test it on your end.

    You might find the course will no longer resume after meeting the completion requirement. Please also consider the article below in the final design of the course:

    Additionally, we currently have a feature request logged for the ability to resume video after exiting a course. I've added your voice to that request, so you'll be notified once it is added.

    If you require any further information, please let me know!

  • SandeepGadam's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Jacqui, I found a similar thread and you can follow the same settings and see if you can overcome this issue.

  • I have added the Exit/Resume slide to the end of my course. I have added the functionality of jumping to the previous slide when you hit resume and exit the course when you hit exit. I have my slides set to "Resume Saved State" and this works. The student can click the exit icon. It takes them to the Exit/Resume confirmation page to exit the training. When they resume their course, they return to the Exit/Resume confirmation page. When they click Resume, it returns them to the correct place in the embedded video of the last slide they were on.

    However, we allow students to return to previously viewed pages through a sidebar Menu. When they click an option from this menu, it does not return them to that slide. It looks as though because we are using "Resume Saved State", the saved state is that the slide is completed and they cannot watch it again.

    If I use "Automatically Decide", the functionality I gained using the Exit/Resume confirmation page is lost. When the user returns to the training, it takes them back to the slide, but not the position in the video, they were on. In addition, the user can jump to previously viewed topics from the menu, and the slide will restart allowing them to watch and the player controls work as expected. However, when they return to the slide they were on when they used the menu to jump, the slide restarts instead of picking up where they left off.

    What I am trying to accomplish:

    1. There are two kinds of slides:
    A. Video content of an individual video of no more than 10 minutes and slide automatically advances
    B. Checkpoint quizzes which require user interaction to advance

    2. Students must watch the video content of every slide at least one time and answer every checkpoint question

    3. Students cannot skip ahead slides, but they can return to previously viewed slides from the sidebar menu

    3. The first time students view a slide, they cannot skip ahead in the slide content. The player controls are limited to play/pause. However, once the content has been viewed, all player controls (rewind, fast forward, play/pause) are available.

    4. When a students exits the course, their place (page and location in video, if applicable) is saved and they are returned to exactly where they left off.

    5. When a student moves between slides using the sidebar menu, any slide that was previously viewed allows full use of the player controls. When returning to the last slide available to them, it picks up where they left off.

    Is it possible to achieve all these goals?