Forum Discussion

DonnaGraham's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Sound quality issue when publishing


I am hoping someone might have some suggestions here. I have a course which I have created using short videos made in Premiere Pro. The videos are exported and set up as individual slides and then I publish.

In Premiere, on the exported MP3videos and when I preview in Storyline itself, the sounds quality is perfect, but when I publish to both Review 360 and to the LMS, there is a faint echo / noise on my voiceover which is making it sound odd and a little tinny.

Here is a link to the course on Review so you can hear what I mean:

This is the 4th one of these that I have done and the first 3 have all been fine but this one and another I have just finished are both doing the same thing.

Does anyone know what might affect the sound quality like this on publishing - could there be a setting I have accidentally changed? Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • DonnaGraham's avatar
    Community Member

    I have been able to fix this up with the help of support and I thought I would post the fix in here in case it helps anyone in the future.

    It was a very simple fix - change the compression settings to from 'automatic' to 'none' before publishing.


  • Hi Donna, 

    Thanks for reaching out! 

    I'm not familiar with Premiere Pro, but if there an option to modify the audio settings of your video before publishing, try changing these around to see if this helps. In a tool called Handbrake for example, these audio options are available for me when I try to re-encode a video: 

    Try recreating the video using different settings or profiles and see if you find a combination that will produce a video that has a much better quality when imported to Storyline 360. 

    If this doesn't help, would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or through a support case, as well as a screenshot of the audio settings that you used when you published your course in Storyline 360 so we can take a closer look at what's happening?

    We'll delete it afterwards! 

  • Hi Donna,

    I'm so glad that one of our Support Engineers was able to assist you with this! Thank you for sharing the solution with the rest of the community!