Forum Discussion

MegLassiat-5b2f's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Slide plays correctly on laptop but not on tablet/smartphone.

Good morning - I have a slide with pictures of about 15 musical instruments. When the student clicks on a picture of one of the instruments, the audio plays and a label pops up with the name of the instrument. There is an X on the label for the student to close out the label when desired. The label will also disappear and be replaced by a new label when the student selects a different instrument.

When I publish, this slide functions perfectly as intended on a laptop. However, when I try to play this slide on a tablet or phone, the X doesn't show up when the labels pop up, and for many of the instruments the label doesn't pop up at all. The audio still functions correctly on all the instruments. Why would the slide function differently on a tablet/phone than on the computer? Help. I would be happy to share the slide if it can be shared confidentially.

Thank you, 

Meg Lassiat

  • Hi, Meg.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    What are the operating systems of your devices (iOS, Android, etc)?

    We're happy to take a look and help troubleshoot. You can share your file privately with our team here.


    • MegLassiat-5b2f's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi, Maria - thank you. I'm using iOS for phone/iPad. I don't have access to
      an Android phone so haven't been able to try it there yet. .

      I've attached the slide to this email. If there's another way to get it to
      you, let me know and I'll send it that way.

      Thank you for looking at this. I do appreciate it.

      *Meg Lassiat*

  • Hi, Meg.

    I was able to reproduce the issue on my end, so I went ahead and opened a support case on your behalf. Please feel free to delete the attachment from the forum, as I have transferred it into the case. 

    You should hear from our team soon via e-mail.