Forum Discussion

JasonTrojnar's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Side-Bar Menu Toggle - 508

I've been working with 508 offices within the federal government for a number of years. Thankfully, I've had a good number of Storyline projects reviewed, remediated, and approved during that time. Recently a glaring problem was brought to my attention. 

The Problem
"When user activates "Sidebar Toggle" menu control to expand Sidebar, focus does not move into the Sidebar. Initially, focus remains on the menu control. The next tab stop in the order is the USER INSTRUCTIONS button. The only way to move to the Sidebar is to use Shift+Tab, which is technically a backwards motion."

When the side-bar is closed and user selects it using keyboard navigation, the next object in tab order is the "Top Menu" (i.e., Exit, User Instructions). Does anyone have suggestions on how to address this? I'd like to be able to remove the toggle button like the classic player. 

  • Hi, Jason!

    Thanks so much for reaching out and detailing the issue you're experiencing!

    I see that you’ve reached out to our Support Engineers and connected with my teammate, John Carlo. That was a great call and we appreciate you taking the time to provide us with helpful feedback. It appears this has been logged as a possible software bug. In the meantime, hopefully, others in the community have some additional insight on this.

    • JasonTrojnar's avatar
      Community Member

      Hello and thank you Kelly!  I received an email from John Carlo last night letting me know that the latest Storyline update "fixes the issue where the focus order doesn't move to the menu when expanded". I couldn't be more happy with the responsiveness of the Articulate team! I'll be implementing the new version of SL which includes this fix and resubmitting my lesson for 508 approval.

      November 7, 2023 Release Notes
      Storyline 360 Version History - Articulate Support 



      • StevenBenassi's avatar

        Hi Jason!

        Thank you for following up and sharing the feedback! So glad to hear that John Carlo was able to assist you! If you run into any setbacks moving forward please let us know and we'd be happy to help!

        Have a great rest of your week!